A Note Regarding Fetish on the Farm 6.0

Dear Friend of Fetish,

Today at 3:45pm we received pretty bad news from the owners of Hopeland Farm: due to accumulated water damage from the last week or so, coupled with the expected weather of the next two days, coupled with the impact of nearly 100 people and several incredibly heavy delivery trucks, Fetish on the Farm is unable to go forward.

We don’t know if you’re disappointed, but we’ll tell you: we’re gutted.

We began Fetish on the Farm six years ago on a kind of whim as a way to...do something public.  We had been brewing beer and giving it away for awhile, it didn’t feel like we were getting anywhere meaningful, we wanted to celebrate with our friends.  Fetish on the Farm 1 was free, there was no food, there were only 40 attendees, it rained a little, and Aaron’s daughter peed in the backseat of his Prius (yep, really).  Last year, we had over 100 attendees, and Ton-taun, and ten Fetish beers, and food that basically blows the doors off of anything you’ll find at any beer event anywhere. Fetish on the Farm is our Superbowl, it’s how we mark our progress, and at the end of the night -- after everyone has left -- seven or eight of us circle up, we drink a little champagne, we smoke cigars, we stare at the black midnight sky, and we marvel at just how far this ridiculous brewery has taken us.

Which is our way of saying: we’re gutted.

Brass tacks.  Fetish will reimburse you 100% of the cost of your ticket (which should be $50/per), but to be perfectly honest: we aren’t sure how that will work quite yet.  As of right now, we don’t have any of your dollars -- eventbrite has it all.  We’re going to spend a little time figuring out how that money gets back to you, and then we’ll get it back to you soon.  It’s possible it will come back to you through eventbrite; it’s possible we will have to paypal you from our account; it’s possible we’re just going to show up at your house with a crisp $50 bill and a very sincere apology.  For now, we wanted to be sure to communicate directly with you about the change, and apologize, and tell you that we know you are disappointed.

And also that we’re gutted.

With very real apologies for letting you down,


